Two tricks to improve the performance and security of your Jira Server 7.4

There are two tricks to improve the performance and the security of a large Jira Server 7.4 For the first “trick“, we can develop a little Jira plugin, or we can set a “Script Fragment” with the plugin Adaptavist Groovy Scriptrunner. The purpose of the improvement is to avoid problematic JQL queries. In Jira, by default,…

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JIRA Scriptrunner REST Endpoint & Web Fragment example

This example show a button in the “More” option of the issue tickets called “Approve this issue“. This button call a Scriptrunner REST custom Endpoint and returns a “flag” Object to be shown as alert in the ticket. First go to “Add-ons-> Scriptrunner –> REST Endpoints” and add this script: Then save the REST Endpoint.…

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