One of the characteristics of the Atlassian ecosystem is continuous evolution, and the Mraddon addons are no different. In this post we will see the latest news for the Kanban Combined WIP Cloud.

Let me explain

We love this addon.It allows us to add an image as the background of our kanban, but it also allows us to group columns together.

A background image
How group kanban columns

As we know, we can specify columns limits and we can use to understand how team works. But what about Swimlanes? out-of-the-box features cannot set limits….. but now thanks this new feature we can do this. Just select Board Settings –> Swimlanes and ….

New button, new feature

… a new button is available and selecting it, we can set Swimlanes limits

We can set all swimlanes limits

This is the result:

The new feature

In the headings, the swimlane goes to specify the set limit and, if this is violated, it is coloured red, otherwise green.

Posted by:artigianodelsoftware

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